Friday, April 17, 2009

Why I like Woot

yeah, cool stuff at great discounts is nice, but the fact that someone actually goes through the effort to write this stuff - daily - keeps my attention.

(Note: if you're unfamiliar with, if you visit the site after today, the deal mentioned below will have changed.)
clipped from

There’s only one gadget column on the web with the unique perspective that comes from being transported through time to discover that you can no longer control your bowels.

And here it is. That’s right, Fjafalgnjir the Vexed is back for another installment of Ask an Incontinent Viking. When this 11th-century Danish warrior found himself in a world he never made, did he cower from the iron dragons in the sky, or flee in terror from the “sorcery” of a standard light bulb? Well, for a day or two, yeah. And the whole incontinence thing wounded his warrior’s pride. But he got up, dusted himself off, wiped himself off, and found work answering your tech questions.

I love naught in life so well as my Mattel handheld football game, a wonder more thrilling even than the heaving teats of GerĂ°r. But it eats batteries the way vitterfolk devour goatling flesh.
 blog it

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