Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beaten Census

though technically (barely) legal, it's intentionally deceptive. What's your opinion of intentionally deceptive fund raisers?

Would you give them money, even if you agree in principle, when you know they're disingenuous?

What's your opinion of the people who are intentionally deceptive to get your money? Are they likely to be deceitful in other areas?
clipped from

RNC 'census' mailer draws fire

Calling itself the “Congressional District Census,” the letter comes in an envelope starkly printed with the words, “DO NOT DESTROY OFFICIAL DOCUMENT” and describes itself, on the outside of the envelope, as a “census document.”

Even some who have been involved with the program, however, acknowledged that it walks the line.

"Of course, duping people is the point. ... That's one of the reasons why it works so well,” said one Republican operative familiar with the program, who said it’s among the RNC’s most lucrative fundraising initiatives. “They will likely mail millions this year [with] incredible targeting.”

the same mailing in 2000, during that year’s census, and Maloney and Clay asked the postmaster general to open an investigation into whether the mailings violate the Deceptive Mail Prevention and Enforcement Act
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